What This Is

When I lived in Hong Kong I started blogging. I used Yahoo 360, which no longer exists. Fortunately I saved all my blog posts to my computer. So, I've finally recreating my blog. No pictures, just writing, but lots of it, from our three years living in Asia. Lots of interesting stories (at least to me!)...if you want to find out what we're doing now, check out my current blog. If you want to read about life in Hong Kong from 2006-2009 start reading below!

Friday, July 29, 2011

May 12 2006 - Hong Kong Botanical and Zoological Gardens

I went to the Hong Kong Botanical and Zoological Gardens today. I decided that I would walk there (its all downhill) on the way to yoga, and just meander through. I was researching whether my mom could go there or not. I’m quoting some one in AWA that I met, but “Hong Kong is such a vertical city”. She just can’t walk up all the hills and stairs. Heck MOST people can’t walk up these hills and stairs! We do it instead of running now half the time!

Anyway, the gardens are old, pretty, small, surrounded by city. If I can figure out how to start at one of the upper entrances I think my mom and I could stroll through them and only have to maneuver a few steps and inclines. They have a nice little greenhouse with orchids and ferns, lots of cool birds, including some very lawn ornament-like flamingos. I took a picture of them with my phone camera, and I’ve included it here.

The “zoological” part of the gardens is really sort of funny. It’s VERY small. They have a jaguar, and various monkeys and sloths. They have a baby gibbon which was just adorable.

The gardens were started in the 1860’s, and in some ways it seems like it hasn’t changed a lot since then. I think it probably needs to be renovated. It’s cozy. I wouldn’t recommend traveling around the world to see it, but as a cool, tree-filled oasis in the middle of Hong Kong it’s kind of nice. As a part of an evening stroll down to Central, it’s enjoyable. It’s definitely a thing for locals, not tourists.

Yoga was good. I had a calming energizing class. I felt really good at the end of the class, but I goofed and didn’t wait long enough before getting up to leave, and I almost passed out! It’s kind of a problem. Their hot studios really get warm, which is great for your muscles, but I have trouble cooling down afterwards. A cold shower and lots and lots of water help, but I have to get to the shower first! This time I had stepped out of the studio into the hallway and I started to get dizzy so I bent over. Like just about any enterprise in Hong Kong, there are all these “helpers” that work there, cleaning the studios between classes, washing the towels, keeping the bathrooms fresh. One of them saw me bend over and started going “Missy! Missy!” and tried to get me to lie down there in the hall! I kept saying I was okay, but she went to get someone else and I had both of them gesticulating and gazing at me worriedly for a minute. I really WAS okay; I just needed to slow down. Finally I let her put a towel around my shoulders and then SHE felt better, and I was able to get up and go take a shower. I need to figure out a better way to recover after the classes. Hmmm

Now this afternoon I’ve been totally lazy. I thought about going to the pool, but instead I watched another episode of 24! Lee should be home pretty soon (he’s been in China since Tuesday) and we’re going out for Indian food tonight. This is actually a repeat restaurant – our first – which means it’s a keeper!

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