What This Is

When I lived in Hong Kong I started blogging. I used Yahoo 360, which no longer exists. Fortunately I saved all my blog posts to my computer. So, I've finally recreating my blog. No pictures, just writing, but lots of it, from our three years living in Asia. Lots of interesting stories (at least to me!)...if you want to find out what we're doing now, check out my current blog. If you want to read about life in Hong Kong from 2006-2009 start reading below!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Japan Friday April 21 2006

The Japanese version of WW II history at the Edo Museum is a bit, shall we say, "skewed"? "...then, in December, 1941, WWII began..." I swear, that's exactly what it said; no mention of Pearl Harbor, or the Rape of Nanjing, or Japanese aggression, or ANYTHING like that. But a whole section on the fire-bombing of Tokyo (which was interesting, since we usually don't hear much at all about THAT). I guess that's part of what makes living in another country so fascinating.

This little Chinese girl that works in my office said, when she found out that I was moving to Hong Kong - "Oh, you will like it. Since it became part of China, it’s SO much better!" I'm still not sure what that means!

I ate a late lunch at the museum. They have a little bitty tea room, and that’s what I had, a bowl of udon noodles with some rice on the side and a little tempura vegetable on top. It was yummy!

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